Native American Legend
The following is a Native American tale of a man, who was raising his young son.
The boy’s mother had passed away at childbirth, and he was teaching his son all
that he knew. This son grew up and in time wanted to go to a nearby village and find
himself a companion. Months passed and the young man returned to his home and
with him he had a woman, his wife. They lived in the home with his father.

Shortly after, they had a son. The father, now a grandfather, began teaching this
young boy all that he knew. How to respect the forest, the animals and life. His
mother, tiring of sharing her home with the old man told her husband that she
wanted the old man out of the house. The father spoke “I cannot, this is his home
and he built it for us.” She spoke, “If you do not make him leave, then I will take our
son and I will leave.” The father agreed and spoke to the son. “My son, tomorrow I
want you to take Grandpa out and leave him. Give him this blanket.” The young boy
cried. “Why do you do this? The father spoke. “Son, follow the wishes of your
father.” The next morning, the father went hunting to the North. The son took
Grandpa as far as he could walk to the South.

That evening the young boy was sitting on the bed crying when his father came in.
He saw the blanket on the bed. “Son, I thought I told you to give Grandpa the
blanket.” The son said, “I gave Grandpa half the blanket, the other half, I will give to
you some day.” The mother and father understood the message. And they went out
and brought Grandpa back home.
Author Unknown.
This story is legend in the *Native American culture. In fact, there’s a version
of it in the award-winning book “Two Old Women” by Velma Wallis. I
recommend the book highly…jb

There have been many disparities and hardships in the Native American Community. They have needs, especially their seniors.

To learn more contact: NICOA and AIAN
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