Reach out to me

for a friendly conversation and for more Information about a Life Insurance Settlement.

I'm also available for informational presentations and events for your firm or organization.
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Having worked in Financial Services over the past few decades, in the early 2000's and living in Florida I decided to get back into the mortgage business. About two months after obtaining my Florida Financial Brokers license, we were hit with two hurricanes back-to-back. Unfortunately, originating mortgages or refinancing existing mortgages had come to a screaming halt for the foreseeable near future. The universe had clearly spoken and I decided to forge another path and moved to New Mexico to be closer to my grandchildren where I secured my Life and Health Insurance Licenses.
A note from Joyce:

Licensed to assist seniors in
NM and throughout the USA
NIPR # 17482081
One day while driving around I heard an ad on the radio for Life Insurance Settlements and thought, what a extraordinary financial opportunity for seniors and quickly checked it out…well the rest is history. I affiliated myself with an experienced Life Insurance Settlement firm, that works in virtually all states with a long and successful track record of Life Settlement transactions since 1993.

Over the years while working in the life settlement industry, I realized how much I enjoyed being able to make a difference in the life of fellow seniors assisting them to sell their life Insurance policy for a cash settlement and providing them the means to enhance their quality of life.

Furthermore, now in 2025 we are extending our focus to reach out to seniors who love animals by assisting them with a Life Insurance Settlement not only for their long term care needs, but also to make a donation for the rescue and loving care of our Feathered & Furry Friends.


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