Do you need a Liquidity Boost?

So what is liquidity you ask?

Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset, or security, can be converted into ready cash without affecting its market price. Cash is the most liquid of assets, and a Life Insurance policy is also an asset that can be sold to the highest bidder for a lump sun cash settlement. Tangible assets such as real estate fine antique cars, art are less liquid.

How much liquidity or cash should a person keep at any one time?
The average Cash on hand to cover unexpected expenses and needs is an important part of any savings plan. A general rule is to have enough money set aside and ready to cover three to six months' worth of your monthly expenses. The exact amount will vary depending on a senior’s financial situation.

During inflationary times seniors on a fixed income can feel a pinch in their monthly budget. In many situations, they quickly start to think of what expenses are expendable from their budget and may consider letting those expenses go. A life insurance policy premium is one of those expenses that often gets cut.

Roughly, 85% of Seniors own a life Insurance policy. A large percentage of them have never heard how they can benefit from a Life Insurance Settlement.

A settlement on average will pay a policyholder 5-7 times more than a policyholder would receive with a cash surrender value (CSV) from the insurance carrier. It’s disheartening to hear that so many seniors have truly missed the boat during an important time in their life by not knowing about this financial option and decide to either surrendered their policy or just let it lapse and receive nothing after all the years of making timely payments.

This is where a Senior Advisor could make a difference by informing their Senior Clients how a life Insurance Settlement could make a significant difference to their quality of life. Bidwell Life Settlement has a wealth of information available to share with the advisor, their seniors clients, and senior family members.

Since we work as a fiduciary, first and foremost, Bidwell Life Settlements has a responsibility to find the highest offers for their policy. Our life settlement affiliation is with a long-established Life Settlement brokerage firm, licensed nationwide that consists of a vast pool of buyers and institutional investors of life Insurance policies. Their track record extends back to 1993.

So how will this affect their liquidity? It all depends on how much their policy is worth to someone who would like to buy it. BLS or Bidwell Life Settlements helps Seniors through a very easy process, with a free appraisal and absolutely no out of pocket costs to the policyholder. The settlement is truly “Found Money” that never has to be repaid. It’s not a line of credit or a loan requiring collateral from another asset. It’s a clean buy-sell transaction with no strings attached and the money is deposited directly into the seller’s personal account.

Ask yourself, would your client rather have money in their bank account or a few pieces of paper stuck away in an old file that you no longer need or want?

We are always here for you with a friendly conversation and to answer your questions. Contact Joyce anytime at (505)702-3699.

Best regards,

Joyce Bidwell
Guiding Seniors to Peace of Mind
505-702-3699 ---- Direct Line

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